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You searched for: EV231005 (EV-TRACK ID)

Showing 1 - 8 of 8

Experiment number
  • If needed, multiple experiments were identified in a single publication based on differing sample types, separation protocols and/or vesicle types of interest.
  • Species of origin of the EVs.
Separation protocol
  • Gives a short, non-chronological overview of the different steps of the separation protocol.
    • (d)(U)C = (differential) (ultra)centrifugation
    • DG = density gradient
    • UF = ultrafiltration
    • SEC = size-exclusion chromatography
    • IAF = immuno-affinity capture
Details EV-TRACK ID Experiment nr. Species Sample type Separation protocol First author Year EV-METRIC
EV231005 8/8 Sus scrofa domesticus Seminal plasma (d)(U)C
SEC (non-commercial)
Barranco I 2024 63%

Study summary

Full title
All authors
Barranco I, Spinaci M, Nesci S, Mateo-Otero Y, Baldassarro VA, Algieri C, Bucci D, Roca J
Porcine seminal plasma (SP) is loaded with a heterogeneous population of extracellular vesicles (sEV (show more...)Porcine seminal plasma (SP) is loaded with a heterogeneous population of extracellular vesicles (sEVs) that modulate several reproductive-related processes. This study investigated the effect of two sEV subsets, small (S-sEVs) and large (L-sEVs), on porcine in vitro fertilization (IVF). The sEVs were isolated from nine SP pools (five ejaculates/pool) using a size-exclusion chromatography-based procedure and characterized for quantity (total protein), morphology (cryogenic electron microscopy), size distribution (dynamic light scattering), purity and EV-protein markers (flow cytometry/ albumin, CD81, HSP90β). The characterization confirmed the existence of two subsets of high purity (low albumin content) sEVs that differed in size (S- and L-sEVs). In vitro fertilization was performed with in vitro matured oocytes and frozen-thawed spermatozoa and the IVF medium was supplemented during gamete coincubation (1 h at 38.5 °C, 5 % CO in a humidified atmosphere) with three different concentrations of each sEV subset: 0 (control, without sEVs), 0.1, and 0.2 mg/mL. The first experiment showed that sEVs, regardless of subset and concentration, decreased penetration rates and total IVF efficiency (P < 0.0001). In a subsequent experiment, it was shown that sEVs, regardless of subset and concentration, impaired the ability of spermatozoa to bind to the zona pellucida of oocytes (P < 0.0001). The following experiment showed that sEVs, regardless of the subset, bound to frozen-thawed sperm but not to in vitro matured oocytes, indicating that sEVs would affect sperm functionality but not oocyte functionality. The lack of effect on oocytes was confirmed by incubating sEVs with oocytes prior to IVF, achieving sperm-zona pellucida binding results similar to those of control. In the last experiment, conducted under IVF conditions, sperm functionality was analyzed in terms of tyrosine phosphorylation, acrosome integrity and metabolism. The sEVs, regardless of the subset, did not affect sperm tyrosine phosphorylation or acrosome integrity, but did influence sperm metabolism by decreasing sperm ATP production under capacitating conditions. In conclusion, this study demonstrated that the presence of sEVs on IVF medium impairs IVF outcomes, most likely by altering sperm metabolism. (hide)
63% (75th percentile of all experiments on the same sample type)
 Not reported
 Not applicable
EV-enriched proteins
Protein analysis: analysis of three or more EV-enriched proteins
non EV-enriched protein
Protein analysis: assessment of a non-EV-enriched protein
qualitative and quantitative analysis
Particle analysis: implementation of both qualitative and quantitative methods. For the quantitative method, the reporting of measured EV concentration is expected.
electron microscopy images
Particle analysis: inclusion of a widefield and close-up electron microscopy image
density gradient
Separation method: density gradient, at least as validation of results attributed to EVs
EV density
Separation method: reporting of obtained EV density
ultracentrifugation specifics
Separation method: reporting of g-forces, duration and rotor type of ultracentrifugation steps
antibody specifics
Protein analysis: antibody clone/reference number and dilution
lysate preparation
Protein analysis: lysis buffer composition
Study data
Sample type
Seminal plasma
Sample origin
Entire ejaculate
Focus vesicles
large extracellular vesicles
Separation protocol
Separation protocol
  • Gives a short, non-chronological overview of the
    different steps of the separation protocol.
    • dUC = (Differential) (ultra)centrifugation
    • DG = density gradient
    • UF = ultrafiltration
    • SEC = size-exclusion chromatography
    • IAF = immuno-affinity capture
(Differential) (ultra)centrifugation
Size-exclusion chromatography (non-commercial)
Protein markers
EV: CD9/ CD63/ CD81/ HSP90/ CD44
non-EV: Albumin
Show all info
Study aim
Technical analysis comparing/optimizing EV-related methods
Sus scrofa domesticus
Sample Type
Seminal plasma
Separation Method
(Differential) (ultra)centrifugation
dUC: centrifugation steps
Between 800 g and 10,000 g
Between 10,000 g and 50,000 g
Pelleting performed
Pelleting: rotor type
24 x 1.5/2.0mL
Pelleting: speed (g)
Size-exclusion chromatography
Total column volume (mL)
Sample volume/column (mL)
Resin type
Sepharose CL-2B
Characterization: Protein analysis
Protein Concentration Method
Western Blot
Not detected contaminants
Flow cytometry
Type of Flow cytometry
Cytoflex S
Hardware adaptation to ~100nm EV's
The optical setup of the flow cytometer was modified to use the side scatter (SSC) information of the 405 nm laser (violet-SSC-A) instead of the 488 nm laser. The SSC was then calibrated using polystyrene beads of known diameter between 80 and 300 nm with a density of 1,05 g/cm_ and a refractive index of 1.59 nm (Cat 30080A, 30100A, 30200A and 30300A, Nanosphere serie 3000/ Thermofisher Scientific, Waltham, Massachusetts, USA). The forward scatter (FSC) and violet SSC-A were corrected on a logarithmic scale and the fluorescence channels were corrected on a logarithmic gain. The EV detection region was then set for events with size (by FSC) and complexity (by violet-SSC-A) characteristics of EVs. The SSC data generated by beads were fitted to nm according to Mie theory, using FCMPASS software ( Commercially available recombinant exosomes expressing green fluorescent protein (GFP) on their membrane surface (SAE0193, Merck) with a size distribution ranging from 30 to 200 nm (peak at 100-150 nm, measured by DLS) were used to validate the accuracy of the flow cytometer for the analysis of sEVs.
Calibration bead size
0.08/ 0.1/ 0.2/ 0.3
Detected EV-associated proteins
CD9/ CD63/ CD81/ HSP90/ CD44
Detected contaminants
Characterization: Lipid analysis
Characterization: Particle analysis
Report type
Reported size (nm)
Image type
EV231005 2/8 Sus scrofa domesticus Seminal plasma (d)(U)C
SEC (non-commercial)
Barranco I 2024 50%

Study summary

Full title
All authors
Barranco I, Spinaci M, Nesci S, Mateo-Otero Y, Baldassarro VA, Algieri C, Bucci D, Roca J
Porcine seminal plasma (SP) is loaded with a heterogeneous population of extracellular vesicles (sEV (show more...)Porcine seminal plasma (SP) is loaded with a heterogeneous population of extracellular vesicles (sEVs) that modulate several reproductive-related processes. This study investigated the effect of two sEV subsets, small (S-sEVs) and large (L-sEVs), on porcine in vitro fertilization (IVF). The sEVs were isolated from nine SP pools (five ejaculates/pool) using a size-exclusion chromatography-based procedure and characterized for quantity (total protein), morphology (cryogenic electron microscopy), size distribution (dynamic light scattering), purity and EV-protein markers (flow cytometry/ albumin, CD81, HSP90β). The characterization confirmed the existence of two subsets of high purity (low albumin content) sEVs that differed in size (S- and L-sEVs). In vitro fertilization was performed with in vitro matured oocytes and frozen-thawed spermatozoa and the IVF medium was supplemented during gamete coincubation (1 h at 38.5 °C, 5 % CO in a humidified atmosphere) with three different concentrations of each sEV subset: 0 (control, without sEVs), 0.1, and 0.2 mg/mL. The first experiment showed that sEVs, regardless of subset and concentration, decreased penetration rates and total IVF efficiency (P < 0.0001). In a subsequent experiment, it was shown that sEVs, regardless of subset and concentration, impaired the ability of spermatozoa to bind to the zona pellucida of oocytes (P < 0.0001). The following experiment showed that sEVs, regardless of the subset, bound to frozen-thawed sperm but not to in vitro matured oocytes, indicating that sEVs would affect sperm functionality but not oocyte functionality. The lack of effect on oocytes was confirmed by incubating sEVs with oocytes prior to IVF, achieving sperm-zona pellucida binding results similar to those of control. In the last experiment, conducted under IVF conditions, sperm functionality was analyzed in terms of tyrosine phosphorylation, acrosome integrity and metabolism. The sEVs, regardless of the subset, did not affect sperm tyrosine phosphorylation or acrosome integrity, but did influence sperm metabolism by decreasing sperm ATP production under capacitating conditions. In conclusion, this study demonstrated that the presence of sEVs on IVF medium impairs IVF outcomes, most likely by altering sperm metabolism. (hide)
50% (50th percentile of all experiments on the same sample type)
 Not reported
 Not applicable
EV-enriched proteins
Protein analysis: analysis of three or more EV-enriched proteins
non EV-enriched protein
Protein analysis: assessment of a non-EV-enriched protein
qualitative and quantitative analysis
Particle analysis: implementation of both qualitative and quantitative methods. For the quantitative method, the reporting of measured EV concentration is expected.
electron microscopy images
Particle analysis: inclusion of a widefield and close-up electron microscopy image
density gradient
Separation method: density gradient, at least as validation of results attributed to EVs
EV density
Separation method: reporting of obtained EV density
ultracentrifugation specifics
Separation method: reporting of g-forces, duration and rotor type of ultracentrifugation steps
antibody specifics
Protein analysis: antibody clone/reference number and dilution
lysate preparation
Protein analysis: lysis buffer composition
Study data
Sample type
Seminal plasma
Sample origin
First 10 mL of sperm rich fraction
Focus vesicles
large extracellular vesicles
Separation protocol
Separation protocol
  • Gives a short, non-chronological overview of the
    different steps of the separation protocol.
    • dUC = (Differential) (ultra)centrifugation
    • DG = density gradient
    • UF = ultrafiltration
    • SEC = size-exclusion chromatography
    • IAF = immuno-affinity capture
(Differential) (ultra)centrifugation
Size-exclusion chromatography (non-commercial)
Protein markers
EV: CD9/ CD63/ CD81/ HSP90/ CD44
non-EV: Albumin
Show all info
Study aim
Technical analysis comparing/optimizing EV-related methods
Sus scrofa domesticus
Sample Type
Seminal plasma
Separation Method
(Differential) (ultra)centrifugation
dUC: centrifugation steps
Between 800 g and 10,000 g
Between 10,000 g and 50,000 g
Pelleting performed
Pelleting: rotor type
24 x 1.5/2.0mL
Pelleting: speed (g)
Size-exclusion chromatography
Total column volume (mL)
Sample volume/column (mL)
Resin type
Sepharose CL-2B
Characterization: Protein analysis
Protein Concentration Method
Flow cytometry
Type of Flow cytometry
Cytoflex S
Hardware adaptation to ~100nm EV's
The optical setup of the flow cytometer was modified to use the side scatter (SSC) information of the 405 nm laser (violet-SSC-A) instead of the 488 nm laser. The SSC was then calibrated using polystyrene beads of known diameter between 80 and 300 nm with a density of 1,05 g/cm_ and a refractive index of 1.59 nm (Cat 30080A, 30100A, 30200A and 30300A, Nanosphere serie 3000/ Thermofisher Scientific, Waltham, Massachusetts, USA). The forward scatter (FSC) and violet SSC-A were corrected on a logarithmic scale and the fluorescence channels were corrected on a logarithmic gain. The EV detection region was then set for events with size (by FSC) and complexity (by violet-SSC-A) characteristics of EVs. The SSC data generated by beads were fitted to nm according to Mie theory, using FCMPASS software ( Commercially available recombinant exosomes expressing green fluorescent protein (GFP) on their membrane surface (SAE0193, Merck) with a size distribution ranging from 30 to 200 nm (peak at 100-150 nm, measured by DLS) were used to validate the accuracy of the flow cytometer for the analysis of sEVs.
Calibration bead size
0.08/ 0.1/ 0.2/ 0.3
Detected EV-associated proteins
CD9/ CD63/ CD81/ HSP90/ CD44
Detected contaminants
Characterization: Lipid analysis
Characterization: Particle analysis
Report type
Reported size (nm)
Image type
EV231005 4/8 Sus scrofa domesticus Seminal plasma (d)(U)C
SEC (non-commercial)
Barranco I 2024 50%

Study summary

Full title
All authors
Barranco I, Spinaci M, Nesci S, Mateo-Otero Y, Baldassarro VA, Algieri C, Bucci D, Roca J
Porcine seminal plasma (SP) is loaded with a heterogeneous population of extracellular vesicles (sEV (show more...)Porcine seminal plasma (SP) is loaded with a heterogeneous population of extracellular vesicles (sEVs) that modulate several reproductive-related processes. This study investigated the effect of two sEV subsets, small (S-sEVs) and large (L-sEVs), on porcine in vitro fertilization (IVF). The sEVs were isolated from nine SP pools (five ejaculates/pool) using a size-exclusion chromatography-based procedure and characterized for quantity (total protein), morphology (cryogenic electron microscopy), size distribution (dynamic light scattering), purity and EV-protein markers (flow cytometry/ albumin, CD81, HSP90β). The characterization confirmed the existence of two subsets of high purity (low albumin content) sEVs that differed in size (S- and L-sEVs). In vitro fertilization was performed with in vitro matured oocytes and frozen-thawed spermatozoa and the IVF medium was supplemented during gamete coincubation (1 h at 38.5 °C, 5 % CO in a humidified atmosphere) with three different concentrations of each sEV subset: 0 (control, without sEVs), 0.1, and 0.2 mg/mL. The first experiment showed that sEVs, regardless of subset and concentration, decreased penetration rates and total IVF efficiency (P < 0.0001). In a subsequent experiment, it was shown that sEVs, regardless of subset and concentration, impaired the ability of spermatozoa to bind to the zona pellucida of oocytes (P < 0.0001). The following experiment showed that sEVs, regardless of the subset, bound to frozen-thawed sperm but not to in vitro matured oocytes, indicating that sEVs would affect sperm functionality but not oocyte functionality. The lack of effect on oocytes was confirmed by incubating sEVs with oocytes prior to IVF, achieving sperm-zona pellucida binding results similar to those of control. In the last experiment, conducted under IVF conditions, sperm functionality was analyzed in terms of tyrosine phosphorylation, acrosome integrity and metabolism. The sEVs, regardless of the subset, did not affect sperm tyrosine phosphorylation or acrosome integrity, but did influence sperm metabolism by decreasing sperm ATP production under capacitating conditions. In conclusion, this study demonstrated that the presence of sEVs on IVF medium impairs IVF outcomes, most likely by altering sperm metabolism. (hide)
50% (50th percentile of all experiments on the same sample type)
 Not reported
 Not applicable
EV-enriched proteins
Protein analysis: analysis of three or more EV-enriched proteins
non EV-enriched protein
Protein analysis: assessment of a non-EV-enriched protein
qualitative and quantitative analysis
Particle analysis: implementation of both qualitative and quantitative methods. For the quantitative method, the reporting of measured EV concentration is expected.
electron microscopy images
Particle analysis: inclusion of a widefield and close-up electron microscopy image
density gradient
Separation method: density gradient, at least as validation of results attributed to EVs
EV density
Separation method: reporting of obtained EV density
ultracentrifugation specifics
Separation method: reporting of g-forces, duration and rotor type of ultracentrifugation steps
antibody specifics
Protein analysis: antibody clone/reference number and dilution
lysate preparation
Protein analysis: lysis buffer composition
Study data
Sample type
Seminal plasma
Sample origin
Remaining sperm rich fraction
Focus vesicles
large extracellular vesicles
Separation protocol
Separation protocol
  • Gives a short, non-chronological overview of the
    different steps of the separation protocol.
    • dUC = (Differential) (ultra)centrifugation
    • DG = density gradient
    • UF = ultrafiltration
    • SEC = size-exclusion chromatography
    • IAF = immuno-affinity capture
(Differential) (ultra)centrifugation
Size-exclusion chromatography (non-commercial)
Protein markers
EV: CD9/ CD63/ CD81/ HSP90/ CD44
non-EV: Albumin
Show all info
Study aim
Technical analysis comparing/optimizing EV-related methods
Sus scrofa domesticus
Sample Type
Seminal plasma
Separation Method
(Differential) (ultra)centrifugation
dUC: centrifugation steps
Between 800 g and 10,000 g
Between 10,000 g and 50,000 g
Pelleting performed
Pelleting: rotor type
24 x 1.5/2.0mL
Pelleting: speed (g)
Size-exclusion chromatography
Total column volume (mL)
Sample volume/column (mL)
Resin type
Sepharose CL-2B
Characterization: Protein analysis
Protein Concentration Method
Flow cytometry
Type of Flow cytometry
Cytoflex S
Hardware adaptation to ~100nm EV's
The optical setup of the flow cytometer was modified to use the side scatter (SSC) information of the 405 nm laser (violet-SSC-A) instead of the 488 nm laser. The SSC was then calibrated using polystyrene beads of known diameter between 80 and 300 nm with a density of 1,05 g/cm_ and a refractive index of 1.59 nm (Cat 30080A, 30100A, 30200A and 30300A, Nanosphere serie 3000/ Thermofisher Scientific, Waltham, Massachusetts, USA). The forward scatter (FSC) and violet SSC-A were corrected on a logarithmic scale and the fluorescence channels were corrected on a logarithmic gain. The EV detection region was then set for events with size (by FSC) and complexity (by violet-SSC-A) characteristics of EVs. The SSC data generated by beads were fitted to nm according to Mie theory, using FCMPASS software ( Commercially available recombinant exosomes expressing green fluorescent protein (GFP) on their membrane surface (SAE0193, Merck) with a size distribution ranging from 30 to 200 nm (peak at 100-150 nm, measured by DLS) were used to validate the accuracy of the flow cytometer for the analysis of sEVs.
Calibration bead size
0.08/ 0.1/ 0.2/ 0.3
Detected EV-associated proteins
CD9/ CD63/ CD81/ HSP90/ CD44
Detected contaminants
Characterization: Lipid analysis
Characterization: Particle analysis
Report type
Reported size (nm)
Image type
EV231005 6/8 Sus scrofa domesticus Seminal plasma (d)(U)C
SEC (non-commercial)
Barranco I 2024 50%

Study summary

Full title
All authors
Barranco I, Spinaci M, Nesci S, Mateo-Otero Y, Baldassarro VA, Algieri C, Bucci D, Roca J
Porcine seminal plasma (SP) is loaded with a heterogeneous population of extracellular vesicles (sEV (show more...)Porcine seminal plasma (SP) is loaded with a heterogeneous population of extracellular vesicles (sEVs) that modulate several reproductive-related processes. This study investigated the effect of two sEV subsets, small (S-sEVs) and large (L-sEVs), on porcine in vitro fertilization (IVF). The sEVs were isolated from nine SP pools (five ejaculates/pool) using a size-exclusion chromatography-based procedure and characterized for quantity (total protein), morphology (cryogenic electron microscopy), size distribution (dynamic light scattering), purity and EV-protein markers (flow cytometry/ albumin, CD81, HSP90β). The characterization confirmed the existence of two subsets of high purity (low albumin content) sEVs that differed in size (S- and L-sEVs). In vitro fertilization was performed with in vitro matured oocytes and frozen-thawed spermatozoa and the IVF medium was supplemented during gamete coincubation (1 h at 38.5 °C, 5 % CO in a humidified atmosphere) with three different concentrations of each sEV subset: 0 (control, without sEVs), 0.1, and 0.2 mg/mL. The first experiment showed that sEVs, regardless of subset and concentration, decreased penetration rates and total IVF efficiency (P < 0.0001). In a subsequent experiment, it was shown that sEVs, regardless of subset and concentration, impaired the ability of spermatozoa to bind to the zona pellucida of oocytes (P < 0.0001). The following experiment showed that sEVs, regardless of the subset, bound to frozen-thawed sperm but not to in vitro matured oocytes, indicating that sEVs would affect sperm functionality but not oocyte functionality. The lack of effect on oocytes was confirmed by incubating sEVs with oocytes prior to IVF, achieving sperm-zona pellucida binding results similar to those of control. In the last experiment, conducted under IVF conditions, sperm functionality was analyzed in terms of tyrosine phosphorylation, acrosome integrity and metabolism. The sEVs, regardless of the subset, did not affect sperm tyrosine phosphorylation or acrosome integrity, but did influence sperm metabolism by decreasing sperm ATP production under capacitating conditions. In conclusion, this study demonstrated that the presence of sEVs on IVF medium impairs IVF outcomes, most likely by altering sperm metabolism. (hide)
50% (50th percentile of all experiments on the same sample type)
 Not reported
 Not applicable
EV-enriched proteins
Protein analysis: analysis of three or more EV-enriched proteins
non EV-enriched protein
Protein analysis: assessment of a non-EV-enriched protein
qualitative and quantitative analysis
Particle analysis: implementation of both qualitative and quantitative methods. For the quantitative method, the reporting of measured EV concentration is expected.
electron microscopy images
Particle analysis: inclusion of a widefield and close-up electron microscopy image
density gradient
Separation method: density gradient, at least as validation of results attributed to EVs
EV density
Separation method: reporting of obtained EV density
ultracentrifugation specifics
Separation method: reporting of g-forces, duration and rotor type of ultracentrifugation steps
antibody specifics
Protein analysis: antibody clone/reference number and dilution
lysate preparation
Protein analysis: lysis buffer composition
Study data
Sample type
Seminal plasma
Sample origin
Post sperm rich fraction
Focus vesicles
large extracellular vesicles
Separation protocol
Separation protocol
  • Gives a short, non-chronological overview of the
    different steps of the separation protocol.
    • dUC = (Differential) (ultra)centrifugation
    • DG = density gradient
    • UF = ultrafiltration
    • SEC = size-exclusion chromatography
    • IAF = immuno-affinity capture
(Differential) (ultra)centrifugation
Size-exclusion chromatography (non-commercial)
Protein markers
EV: CD9/ CD63/ CD81/ HSP90/ CD44
non-EV: Albumin
Show all info
Study aim
Technical analysis comparing/optimizing EV-related methods
Sus scrofa domesticus
Sample Type
Seminal plasma
Separation Method
(Differential) (ultra)centrifugation
dUC: centrifugation steps
Between 800 g and 10,000 g
Between 10,000 g and 50,000 g
Pelleting performed
Pelleting: rotor type
24 x 1.5/2.0mL
Pelleting: speed (g)
Size-exclusion chromatography
Total column volume (mL)
Sample volume/column (mL)
Resin type
Sepharose CL-2B
Characterization: Protein analysis
Protein Concentration Method
Flow cytometry
Type of Flow cytometry
Cytoflex S
Hardware adaptation to ~100nm EV's
The optical setup of the flow cytometer was modified to use the side scatter (SSC) information of the 405 nm laser (violet-SSC-A) instead of the 488 nm laser. The SSC was then calibrated using polystyrene beads of known diameter between 80 and 300 nm with a density of 1,05 g/cm_ and a refractive index of 1.59 nm (Cat 30080A, 30100A, 30200A and 30300A, Nanosphere serie 3000/ Thermofisher Scientific, Waltham, Massachusetts, USA). The forward scatter (FSC) and violet SSC-A were corrected on a logarithmic scale and the fluorescence channels were corrected on a logarithmic gain. The EV detection region was then set for events with size (by FSC) and complexity (by violet-SSC-A) characteristics of EVs. The SSC data generated by beads were fitted to nm according to Mie theory, using FCMPASS software ( Commercially available recombinant exosomes expressing green fluorescent protein (GFP) on their membrane surface (SAE0193, Merck) with a size distribution ranging from 30 to 200 nm (peak at 100-150 nm, measured by DLS) were used to validate the accuracy of the flow cytometer for the analysis of sEVs.
Calibration bead size
0.08/ 0.1/ 0.2/ 0.3
Detected EV-associated proteins
CD9/ CD63/ CD81/ HSP90/ CD44
Detected contaminants
Characterization: Lipid analysis
Characterization: Particle analysis
Report type
Reported size (nm)
Image type
EV231005 7/8 Sus scrofa domesticus Seminal plasma (d)(U)C
SEC (non-commercial)
Barranco I 2024 50%

Study summary

Full title
All authors
Barranco I, Spinaci M, Nesci S, Mateo-Otero Y, Baldassarro VA, Algieri C, Bucci D, Roca J
Porcine seminal plasma (SP) is loaded with a heterogeneous population of extracellular vesicles (sEV (show more...)Porcine seminal plasma (SP) is loaded with a heterogeneous population of extracellular vesicles (sEVs) that modulate several reproductive-related processes. This study investigated the effect of two sEV subsets, small (S-sEVs) and large (L-sEVs), on porcine in vitro fertilization (IVF). The sEVs were isolated from nine SP pools (five ejaculates/pool) using a size-exclusion chromatography-based procedure and characterized for quantity (total protein), morphology (cryogenic electron microscopy), size distribution (dynamic light scattering), purity and EV-protein markers (flow cytometry/ albumin, CD81, HSP90β). The characterization confirmed the existence of two subsets of high purity (low albumin content) sEVs that differed in size (S- and L-sEVs). In vitro fertilization was performed with in vitro matured oocytes and frozen-thawed spermatozoa and the IVF medium was supplemented during gamete coincubation (1 h at 38.5 °C, 5 % CO in a humidified atmosphere) with three different concentrations of each sEV subset: 0 (control, without sEVs), 0.1, and 0.2 mg/mL. The first experiment showed that sEVs, regardless of subset and concentration, decreased penetration rates and total IVF efficiency (P < 0.0001). In a subsequent experiment, it was shown that sEVs, regardless of subset and concentration, impaired the ability of spermatozoa to bind to the zona pellucida of oocytes (P < 0.0001). The following experiment showed that sEVs, regardless of the subset, bound to frozen-thawed sperm but not to in vitro matured oocytes, indicating that sEVs would affect sperm functionality but not oocyte functionality. The lack of effect on oocytes was confirmed by incubating sEVs with oocytes prior to IVF, achieving sperm-zona pellucida binding results similar to those of control. In the last experiment, conducted under IVF conditions, sperm functionality was analyzed in terms of tyrosine phosphorylation, acrosome integrity and metabolism. The sEVs, regardless of the subset, did not affect sperm tyrosine phosphorylation or acrosome integrity, but did influence sperm metabolism by decreasing sperm ATP production under capacitating conditions. In conclusion, this study demonstrated that the presence of sEVs on IVF medium impairs IVF outcomes, most likely by altering sperm metabolism. (hide)
50% (50th percentile of all experiments on the same sample type)
 Not reported
 Not applicable
EV-enriched proteins
Protein analysis: analysis of three or more EV-enriched proteins
non EV-enriched protein
Protein analysis: assessment of a non-EV-enriched protein
qualitative and quantitative analysis
Particle analysis: implementation of both qualitative and quantitative methods. For the quantitative method, the reporting of measured EV concentration is expected.
electron microscopy images
Particle analysis: inclusion of a widefield and close-up electron microscopy image
density gradient
Separation method: density gradient, at least as validation of results attributed to EVs
EV density
Separation method: reporting of obtained EV density
ultracentrifugation specifics
Separation method: reporting of g-forces, duration and rotor type of ultracentrifugation steps
antibody specifics
Protein analysis: antibody clone/reference number and dilution
lysate preparation
Protein analysis: lysis buffer composition
Study data
Sample type
Seminal plasma
Sample origin
Entire ejaculate
Focus vesicles
small extracellular vesicles
Separation protocol
Separation protocol
  • Gives a short, non-chronological overview of the
    different steps of the separation protocol.
    • dUC = (Differential) (ultra)centrifugation
    • DG = density gradient
    • UF = ultrafiltration
    • SEC = size-exclusion chromatography
    • IAF = immuno-affinity capture
(Differential) (ultra)centrifugation
Size-exclusion chromatography (non-commercial)
Protein markers
EV: CD9/ CD63/ CD81/ HSP90/ CD44
non-EV: Albumin
Show all info
Study aim
Technical analysis comparing/optimizing EV-related methods
Sus scrofa domesticus
Sample Type
Seminal plasma
Separation Method
(Differential) (ultra)centrifugation
dUC: centrifugation steps
Between 800 g and 10,000 g
Between 10,000 g and 50,000 g
Pelleting performed
Filtration steps
0.2 or 0.22 µm
Ultra filtration
Cut-off size (kDa)
Membrane type
Regenerated cellulose
Size-exclusion chromatography
Total column volume (mL)
Sample volume/column (mL)
Resin type
Sepharose CL-2B
Characterization: Protein analysis
Protein Concentration Method
Western Blot
Not detected contaminants
Flow cytometry
Type of Flow cytometry
Cytoflex S
Hardware adaptation to ~100nm EV's
The optical setup of the flow cytometer was modified to use the side scatter (SSC) information of the 405 nm laser (violet-SSC-A) instead of the 488 nm laser. The SSC was then calibrated using polystyrene beads of known diameter between 80 and 300 nm with a density of 1,05 g/cm_ and a refractive index of 1.59 nm (Cat 30080A, 30100A, 30200A and 30300A, Nanosphere serie 3000/ Thermofisher Scientific, Waltham, Massachusetts, USA). The forward scatter (FSC) and violet SSC-A were corrected on a logarithmic scale and the fluorescence channels were corrected on a logarithmic gain. The EV detection region was then set for events with size (by FSC) and complexity (by violet-SSC-A) characteristics of EVs. The SSC data generated by beads were fitted to nm according to Mie theory, using FCMPASS software ( Commercially available recombinant exosomes expressing green fluorescent protein (GFP) on their membrane surface (SAE0193, Merck) with a size distribution ranging from 30 to 200 nm (peak at 100-150 nm, measured by DLS) were used to validate the accuracy of the flow cytometer for the analysis of sEVs.
Calibration bead size
0.08/ 0.1/ 0.2/ 0.3
Detected EV-associated proteins
CD9/ CD63/ CD81/ HSP90/ CD44
Detected contaminants
Characterization: Lipid analysis
Characterization: Particle analysis
Report type
Reported size (nm)
Image type
EV231005 1/8 Sus scrofa domesticus Seminal plasma (d)(U)C
SEC (non-commercial)
Barranco I 2024 38%

Study summary

Full title
All authors
Barranco I, Spinaci M, Nesci S, Mateo-Otero Y, Baldassarro VA, Algieri C, Bucci D, Roca J
Porcine seminal plasma (SP) is loaded with a heterogeneous population of extracellular vesicles (sEV (show more...)Porcine seminal plasma (SP) is loaded with a heterogeneous population of extracellular vesicles (sEVs) that modulate several reproductive-related processes. This study investigated the effect of two sEV subsets, small (S-sEVs) and large (L-sEVs), on porcine in vitro fertilization (IVF). The sEVs were isolated from nine SP pools (five ejaculates/pool) using a size-exclusion chromatography-based procedure and characterized for quantity (total protein), morphology (cryogenic electron microscopy), size distribution (dynamic light scattering), purity and EV-protein markers (flow cytometry/ albumin, CD81, HSP90β). The characterization confirmed the existence of two subsets of high purity (low albumin content) sEVs that differed in size (S- and L-sEVs). In vitro fertilization was performed with in vitro matured oocytes and frozen-thawed spermatozoa and the IVF medium was supplemented during gamete coincubation (1 h at 38.5 °C, 5 % CO in a humidified atmosphere) with three different concentrations of each sEV subset: 0 (control, without sEVs), 0.1, and 0.2 mg/mL. The first experiment showed that sEVs, regardless of subset and concentration, decreased penetration rates and total IVF efficiency (P < 0.0001). In a subsequent experiment, it was shown that sEVs, regardless of subset and concentration, impaired the ability of spermatozoa to bind to the zona pellucida of oocytes (P < 0.0001). The following experiment showed that sEVs, regardless of the subset, bound to frozen-thawed sperm but not to in vitro matured oocytes, indicating that sEVs would affect sperm functionality but not oocyte functionality. The lack of effect on oocytes was confirmed by incubating sEVs with oocytes prior to IVF, achieving sperm-zona pellucida binding results similar to those of control. In the last experiment, conducted under IVF conditions, sperm functionality was analyzed in terms of tyrosine phosphorylation, acrosome integrity and metabolism. The sEVs, regardless of the subset, did not affect sperm tyrosine phosphorylation or acrosome integrity, but did influence sperm metabolism by decreasing sperm ATP production under capacitating conditions. In conclusion, this study demonstrated that the presence of sEVs on IVF medium impairs IVF outcomes, most likely by altering sperm metabolism. (hide)
38% (15th percentile of all experiments on the same sample type)
 Not reported
 Not applicable
EV-enriched proteins
Protein analysis: analysis of three or more EV-enriched proteins
non EV-enriched protein
Protein analysis: assessment of a non-EV-enriched protein
qualitative and quantitative analysis
Particle analysis: implementation of both qualitative and quantitative methods. For the quantitative method, the reporting of measured EV concentration is expected.
electron microscopy images
Particle analysis: inclusion of a widefield and close-up electron microscopy image
density gradient
Separation method: density gradient, at least as validation of results attributed to EVs
EV density
Separation method: reporting of obtained EV density
ultracentrifugation specifics
Separation method: reporting of g-forces, duration and rotor type of ultracentrifugation steps
antibody specifics
Protein analysis: antibody clone/reference number and dilution
lysate preparation
Protein analysis: lysis buffer composition
Study data
Sample type
Seminal plasma
Sample origin
First 10 mL of sperm rich fraction
Focus vesicles
small extracellular vesicles
Separation protocol
Separation protocol
  • Gives a short, non-chronological overview of the
    different steps of the separation protocol.
    • dUC = (Differential) (ultra)centrifugation
    • DG = density gradient
    • UF = ultrafiltration
    • SEC = size-exclusion chromatography
    • IAF = immuno-affinity capture
(Differential) (ultra)centrifugation
Size-exclusion chromatography (non-commercial)
Protein markers
EV: CD9/ CD63/ CD81/ HSP90/ CD44
non-EV: Albumin
Show all info
Study aim
Technical analysis comparing/optimizing EV-related methods
Sus scrofa domesticus
Sample Type
Seminal plasma
Separation Method
(Differential) (ultra)centrifugation
dUC: centrifugation steps
Between 800 g and 10,000 g
Between 10,000 g and 50,000 g
Pelleting performed
Filtration steps
0.2 or 0.22 µm
Ultra filtration
Cut-off size (kDa)
Membrane type
Regenerated cellulose
Size-exclusion chromatography
Total column volume (mL)
Sample volume/column (mL)
Resin type
Sepharose CL-2B
Characterization: Protein analysis
Protein Concentration Method
Flow cytometry
Type of Flow cytometry
Cytoflex S
Hardware adaptation to ~100nm EV's
The optical setup of the flow cytometer was modified to use the side scatter (SSC) information of the 405 nm laser (violet-SSC-A) instead of the 488 nm laser. The SSC was then calibrated using polystyrene beads of known diameter between 80 and 300 nm with a density of 1,05 g/cm_ and a refractive index of 1.59 nm (Cat 30080A, 30100A, 30200A and 30300A, Nanosphere serie 3000/ Thermofisher Scientific, Waltham, Massachusetts, USA). The forward scatter (FSC) and violet SSC-A were corrected on a logarithmic scale and the fluorescence channels were corrected on a logarithmic gain. The EV detection region was then set for events with size (by FSC) and complexity (by violet-SSC-A) characteristics of EVs. The SSC data generated by beads were fitted to nm according to Mie theory, using FCMPASS software ( Commercially available recombinant exosomes expressing green fluorescent protein (GFP) on their membrane surface (SAE0193, Merck) with a size distribution ranging from 30 to 200 nm (peak at 100-150 nm, measured by DLS) were used to validate the accuracy of the flow cytometer for the analysis of sEVs.
Calibration bead size
0.08/ 0.1/ 0.2/ 0.3
Detected EV-associated proteins
CD9/ CD63/ CD81/ HSP90/ CD44
Detected contaminants
Characterization: Lipid analysis
Characterization: Particle analysis
Report type
Reported size (nm)
Image type
EV231005 3/8 Sus scrofa domesticus Seminal plasma (d)(U)C
SEC (non-commercial)
Barranco I 2024 38%

Study summary

Full title
All authors
Barranco I, Spinaci M, Nesci S, Mateo-Otero Y, Baldassarro VA, Algieri C, Bucci D, Roca J
Porcine seminal plasma (SP) is loaded with a heterogeneous population of extracellular vesicles (sEV (show more...)Porcine seminal plasma (SP) is loaded with a heterogeneous population of extracellular vesicles (sEVs) that modulate several reproductive-related processes. This study investigated the effect of two sEV subsets, small (S-sEVs) and large (L-sEVs), on porcine in vitro fertilization (IVF). The sEVs were isolated from nine SP pools (five ejaculates/pool) using a size-exclusion chromatography-based procedure and characterized for quantity (total protein), morphology (cryogenic electron microscopy), size distribution (dynamic light scattering), purity and EV-protein markers (flow cytometry/ albumin, CD81, HSP90β). The characterization confirmed the existence of two subsets of high purity (low albumin content) sEVs that differed in size (S- and L-sEVs). In vitro fertilization was performed with in vitro matured oocytes and frozen-thawed spermatozoa and the IVF medium was supplemented during gamete coincubation (1 h at 38.5 °C, 5 % CO in a humidified atmosphere) with three different concentrations of each sEV subset: 0 (control, without sEVs), 0.1, and 0.2 mg/mL. The first experiment showed that sEVs, regardless of subset and concentration, decreased penetration rates and total IVF efficiency (P < 0.0001). In a subsequent experiment, it was shown that sEVs, regardless of subset and concentration, impaired the ability of spermatozoa to bind to the zona pellucida of oocytes (P < 0.0001). The following experiment showed that sEVs, regardless of the subset, bound to frozen-thawed sperm but not to in vitro matured oocytes, indicating that sEVs would affect sperm functionality but not oocyte functionality. The lack of effect on oocytes was confirmed by incubating sEVs with oocytes prior to IVF, achieving sperm-zona pellucida binding results similar to those of control. In the last experiment, conducted under IVF conditions, sperm functionality was analyzed in terms of tyrosine phosphorylation, acrosome integrity and metabolism. The sEVs, regardless of the subset, did not affect sperm tyrosine phosphorylation or acrosome integrity, but did influence sperm metabolism by decreasing sperm ATP production under capacitating conditions. In conclusion, this study demonstrated that the presence of sEVs on IVF medium impairs IVF outcomes, most likely by altering sperm metabolism. (hide)
38% (15th percentile of all experiments on the same sample type)
 Not reported
 Not applicable
EV-enriched proteins
Protein analysis: analysis of three or more EV-enriched proteins
non EV-enriched protein
Protein analysis: assessment of a non-EV-enriched protein
qualitative and quantitative analysis
Particle analysis: implementation of both qualitative and quantitative methods. For the quantitative method, the reporting of measured EV concentration is expected.
electron microscopy images
Particle analysis: inclusion of a widefield and close-up electron microscopy image
density gradient
Separation method: density gradient, at least as validation of results attributed to EVs
EV density
Separation method: reporting of obtained EV density
ultracentrifugation specifics
Separation method: reporting of g-forces, duration and rotor type of ultracentrifugation steps
antibody specifics
Protein analysis: antibody clone/reference number and dilution
lysate preparation
Protein analysis: lysis buffer composition
Study data
Sample type
Seminal plasma
Sample origin
Remaining sperm rich fraction
Focus vesicles
small extracellular vesicles
Separation protocol
Separation protocol
  • Gives a short, non-chronological overview of the
    different steps of the separation protocol.
    • dUC = (Differential) (ultra)centrifugation
    • DG = density gradient
    • UF = ultrafiltration
    • SEC = size-exclusion chromatography
    • IAF = immuno-affinity capture
(Differential) (ultra)centrifugation
Size-exclusion chromatography (non-commercial)
Protein markers
EV: CD9/ CD63/ CD81/ HSP90/ CD44
non-EV: Albumin
Show all info
Study aim
Technical analysis comparing/optimizing EV-related methods
Sus scrofa domesticus
Sample Type
Seminal plasma
Separation Method
(Differential) (ultra)centrifugation
dUC: centrifugation steps
Between 800 g and 10,000 g
Between 10,000 g and 50,000 g
Pelleting performed
Filtration steps
0.2 or 0.22 µm
Ultra filtration
Cut-off size (kDa)
Membrane type
Regenerated cellulose
Size-exclusion chromatography
Total column volume (mL)
Sample volume/column (mL)
Resin type
Sepharose CL-2B
Characterization: Protein analysis
Protein Concentration Method
Flow cytometry
Type of Flow cytometry
Cytoflex S
Hardware adaptation to ~100nm EV's
The optical setup of the flow cytometer was modified to use the side scatter (SSC) information of the 405 nm laser (violet-SSC-A) instead of the 488 nm laser. The SSC was then calibrated using polystyrene beads of known diameter between 80 and 300 nm with a density of 1,05 g/cm_ and a refractive index of 1.59 nm (Cat 30080A, 30100A, 30200A and 30300A, Nanosphere serie 3000/ Thermofisher Scientific, Waltham, Massachusetts, USA). The forward scatter (FSC) and violet SSC-A were corrected on a logarithmic scale and the fluorescence channels were corrected on a logarithmic gain. The EV detection region was then set for events with size (by FSC) and complexity (by violet-SSC-A) characteristics of EVs. The SSC data generated by beads were fitted to nm according to Mie theory, using FCMPASS software ( Commercially available recombinant exosomes expressing green fluorescent protein (GFP) on their membrane surface (SAE0193, Merck) with a size distribution ranging from 30 to 200 nm (peak at 100-150 nm, measured by DLS) were used to validate the accuracy of the flow cytometer for the analysis of sEVs.
Calibration bead size
0.08/ 0.1/ 0.2/ 0.3
Detected EV-associated proteins
CD9/ CD63/ CD81/ HSP90/ CD44
Detected contaminants
Characterization: Lipid analysis
Characterization: Particle analysis
Report type
Reported size (nm)
Image type
EV231005 5/8 Sus scrofa domesticus Seminal plasma (d)(U)C
SEC (non-commercial)
Barranco I 2024 38%

Study summary

Full title
All authors
Barranco I, Spinaci M, Nesci S, Mateo-Otero Y, Baldassarro VA, Algieri C, Bucci D, Roca J
Porcine seminal plasma (SP) is loaded with a heterogeneous population of extracellular vesicles (sEV (show more...)Porcine seminal plasma (SP) is loaded with a heterogeneous population of extracellular vesicles (sEVs) that modulate several reproductive-related processes. This study investigated the effect of two sEV subsets, small (S-sEVs) and large (L-sEVs), on porcine in vitro fertilization (IVF). The sEVs were isolated from nine SP pools (five ejaculates/pool) using a size-exclusion chromatography-based procedure and characterized for quantity (total protein), morphology (cryogenic electron microscopy), size distribution (dynamic light scattering), purity and EV-protein markers (flow cytometry/ albumin, CD81, HSP90β). The characterization confirmed the existence of two subsets of high purity (low albumin content) sEVs that differed in size (S- and L-sEVs). In vitro fertilization was performed with in vitro matured oocytes and frozen-thawed spermatozoa and the IVF medium was supplemented during gamete coincubation (1 h at 38.5 °C, 5 % CO in a humidified atmosphere) with three different concentrations of each sEV subset: 0 (control, without sEVs), 0.1, and 0.2 mg/mL. The first experiment showed that sEVs, regardless of subset and concentration, decreased penetration rates and total IVF efficiency (P < 0.0001). In a subsequent experiment, it was shown that sEVs, regardless of subset and concentration, impaired the ability of spermatozoa to bind to the zona pellucida of oocytes (P < 0.0001). The following experiment showed that sEVs, regardless of the subset, bound to frozen-thawed sperm but not to in vitro matured oocytes, indicating that sEVs would affect sperm functionality but not oocyte functionality. The lack of effect on oocytes was confirmed by incubating sEVs with oocytes prior to IVF, achieving sperm-zona pellucida binding results similar to those of control. In the last experiment, conducted under IVF conditions, sperm functionality was analyzed in terms of tyrosine phosphorylation, acrosome integrity and metabolism. The sEVs, regardless of the subset, did not affect sperm tyrosine phosphorylation or acrosome integrity, but did influence sperm metabolism by decreasing sperm ATP production under capacitating conditions. In conclusion, this study demonstrated that the presence of sEVs on IVF medium impairs IVF outcomes, most likely by altering sperm metabolism. (hide)
38% (15th percentile of all experiments on the same sample type)
 Not reported
 Not applicable
EV-enriched proteins
Protein analysis: analysis of three or more EV-enriched proteins
non EV-enriched protein
Protein analysis: assessment of a non-EV-enriched protein
qualitative and quantitative analysis
Particle analysis: implementation of both qualitative and quantitative methods. For the quantitative method, the reporting of measured EV concentration is expected.
electron microscopy images
Particle analysis: inclusion of a widefield and close-up electron microscopy image
density gradient
Separation method: density gradient, at least as validation of results attributed to EVs
EV density
Separation method: reporting of obtained EV density
ultracentrifugation specifics
Separation method: reporting of g-forces, duration and rotor type of ultracentrifugation steps
antibody specifics
Protein analysis: antibody clone/reference number and dilution
lysate preparation
Protein analysis: lysis buffer composition
Study data
Sample type
Seminal plasma
Sample origin
Post sperm rich fraction
Focus vesicles
small extracellular vesicles
Separation protocol
Separation protocol
  • Gives a short, non-chronological overview of the
    different steps of the separation protocol.
    • dUC = (Differential) (ultra)centrifugation
    • DG = density gradient
    • UF = ultrafiltration
    • SEC = size-exclusion chromatography
    • IAF = immuno-affinity capture
(Differential) (ultra)centrifugation
Size-exclusion chromatography (non-commercial)
Protein markers
EV: CD9/ CD63/ CD81/ HSP90/ CD44
non-EV: Albumin
Show all info
Study aim
Technical analysis comparing/optimizing EV-related methods
Sus scrofa domesticus
Sample Type
Seminal plasma
Separation Method
(Differential) (ultra)centrifugation
dUC: centrifugation steps
Between 800 g and 10,000 g
Between 10,000 g and 50,000 g
Pelleting performed
Filtration steps
0.2 or 0.22 µm
Ultra filtration
Cut-off size (kDa)
Membrane type
Regenerated cellulose
Size-exclusion chromatography
Total column volume (mL)
Sample volume/column (mL)
Resin type
Sepharose CL-2B
Characterization: Protein analysis
Protein Concentration Method
Flow cytometry
Type of Flow cytometry
Cytoflex S
Hardware adaptation to ~100nm EV's
The optical setup of the flow cytometer was modified to use the side scatter (SSC) information of the 405 nm laser (violet-SSC-A) instead of the 488 nm laser. The SSC was then calibrated using polystyrene beads of known diameter between 80 and 300 nm with a density of 1,05 g/cm_ and a refractive index of 1.59 nm (Cat 30080A, 30100A, 30200A and 30300A, Nanosphere serie 3000/ Thermofisher Scientific, Waltham, Massachusetts, USA). The forward scatter (FSC) and violet SSC-A were corrected on a logarithmic scale and the fluorescence channels were corrected on a logarithmic gain. The EV detection region was then set for events with size (by FSC) and complexity (by violet-SSC-A) characteristics of EVs. The SSC data generated by beads were fitted to nm according to Mie theory, using FCMPASS software ( Commercially available recombinant exosomes expressing green fluorescent protein (GFP) on their membrane surface (SAE0193, Merck) with a size distribution ranging from 30 to 200 nm (peak at 100-150 nm, measured by DLS) were used to validate the accuracy of the flow cytometer for the analysis of sEVs.
Calibration bead size
0.08/ 0.1/ 0.2/ 0.3
Detected EV-associated proteins
CD9/ CD63/ CD81/ HSP90/ CD44
Detected contaminants
Characterization: Lipid analysis
Characterization: Particle analysis
Report type
Reported size (nm)
Image type
1 - 8 of 8
  • CM = Commercial method
  • dUC = differential ultracentrifugation
  • DG = density gradient
  • UF = ultrafiltration
  • SEC = size-exclusion chromatography
sample type
separation protocol
vesicle related term
Exp. nr.