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You searched for: EV100078 (EV-TRACK ID)

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Experiment number
  • If needed, multiple experiments were identified in a single publication based on differing sample types, separation protocols and/or vesicle types of interest.
  • Species of origin of the EVs.
Separation protocol
  • Gives a short, non-chronological overview of the different steps of the separation protocol.
    • (d)(U)C = (differential) (ultra)centrifugation
    • DG = density gradient
    • UF = ultrafiltration
    • SEC = size-exclusion chromatography
    • IAF = immuno-affinity capture
Details EV-TRACK ID Experiment nr. Species Sample type Separation protocol First author Year EV-METRIC
EV100078 1/1 Salmo salar NAY (d)(U)C Iliev DB 2010 11%

Study summary

Full title
All authors
Iliev DB, Jørgensen SM, Rode M, Krasnov A, Harneshaug I, Jørgensen JB
Dev Comp Immunol
Major histocompatibility complex class II (MHCII) is encoded by polymorphic genes present in vertebr (show more...)Major histocompatibility complex class II (MHCII) is encoded by polymorphic genes present in vertebrates and expressed predominately in leukocytes. Upon leukocyte differentiation, intracellular MHCII is dynamically redistributed within the cells and it is expressed at maximal levels on mature antigen presenting cells (APCs). In addition, APCs secrete MHCII within endosome-derived vesicles known as exosomes which possess diverse immunomodulatory properties. Genetic and biochemical data have confirmed that piscine leukocytes express the MHCII components as well as costimulatory molecules that are necessary for the function of APCs. However data concerning the biosynthesis and the distribution of the MHCII complex within leukocytes of lower vertebrates is scarce. The presented data demonstrates for the first time that salmon leukocytes secrete vesicles that contain exosomal markers and the abundance of MHCII indicates that these exosomes are released by APCs. The secretion was specifically induced by CpG stimulation in vitro and it was observed only in head kidney leukocytes but not in splenocyte cultures. Flow cytometry revealed that, unlike splenocytes, the majority of the MHCII-positive head kidney leukocytes were Ig-negative and a population of cells expressing high levels of surface MHCII underwent degranulation upon CpG stimulation suggesting that the MHCII-containing exosomes were derived from maturing salmon APCs. Gene expression analyses have further demonstrated that CpG-B, despite its relatively weak proinflammatory activity compared to LPS, induced expression of a larger group of genes involved in regulation of the adaptive immune response. (hide)
11% (30th percentile of all experiments on the same sample type)
 Not reported
 Not applicable
EV-enriched proteins
Protein analysis: analysis of three or more EV-enriched proteins
non EV-enriched protein
Protein analysis: assessment of a non-EV-enriched protein
qualitative and quantitative analysis
Particle analysis: implementation of both qualitative and quantitative methods. For the quantitative method, the reporting of measured EV concentration is expected.
electron microscopy images
Particle analysis: inclusion of a widefield and close-up electron microscopy image
density gradient
Separation method: density gradient, at least as validation of results attributed to EVs
EV density
Separation method: reporting of obtained EV density
ultracentrifugation specifics
Separation method: reporting of g-forces, duration and rotor type of ultracentrifugation steps
antibody specifics
Protein analysis: antibody clone/reference number and dilution
lysate preparation
Protein analysis: lysis buffer composition
Study data
Sample type
Cell culture supernatant
Sample origin
Focus vesicles
Separation protocol
Separation protocol
  • Gives a short, non-chronological overview of the
    different steps of the separation protocol.
    • dUC = (Differential) (ultra)centrifugation
    • DG = density gradient
    • UF = ultrafiltration
    • SEC = size-exclusion chromatography
    • IAF = immuno-affinity capture
Protein markers
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Study aim
Salmo salar
Sample Type
Cell culture supernatant
Separation Method
(Differential) (ultra)centrifugation
dUC: centrifugation steps
Below or equal to 800 g
Between 800 g and 10,000 g
Between 10,000 g and 50,000 g
Between 100,000 g and 150,000 g
Pelleting performed
Pelleting: time(min)
Characterization: Protein analysis
Western Blot
Detected EV-associated proteins
Detected EV-associated proteins
Characterization: Particle analysis
transmission EM
Image type
1 - 1 of 1
  • CM = Commercial method
  • dUC = differential ultracentrifugation
  • DG = density gradient
  • UF = ultrafiltration
  • SEC = size-exclusion chromatography
Salmo salar
sample type
Cell culture
cell type
separation protocol
Exp. nr.