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You searched for: EV230606 (EV-TRACK ID)

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Experiment number
  • If needed, multiple experiments were identified in a single publication based on differing sample types, separation protocols and/or vesicle types of interest.
  • Species of origin of the EVs.
Separation protocol
  • Gives a short, non-chronological overview of the different steps of the separation protocol.
    • (d)(U)C = (differential) (ultra)centrifugation
    • DG = density gradient
    • UF = ultrafiltration
    • SEC = size-exclusion chromatography
    • IAF = immuno-affinity capture
Details EV-TRACK ID Experiment nr. Species Sample type Separation protocol First author Year EV-METRIC
EV230606 1/2 Homo sapiens MDA-MB-231 Filtration
Loconte L 2023 50%

Study summary

Full title
All authors
Loconte L, Arguedas D, El R, Zhou A, Chipont A, Guyonnet L, Guerin C, Piovesana E, Vázquez-Ibar JL, Joliot A, Théry C, Martín-Jaular L
J Extracell Vesicles
Cell-cell communication within the complex tumour microenvironment is critical to cancer progression (show more...)Cell-cell communication within the complex tumour microenvironment is critical to cancer progression. Tumor-derived extracellular vesicles (TD-EVs) are key players in this process. They can interact with immune cells and modulate their activity, either suppressing or activating the immune system. Deciphering the interactions between TD-EVs and immune cells is essential to understand immune modulation by cancer cells. Fluorescent labelling of TD-EVs is a method of choice to study such interaction. This work aims to determine the impact of EV labelling methods on the detection by imaging flow cytometry and multicolour spectral flow cytometry of EV interaction and capture by the different immune cell types within human Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells (PBMCs). EVs released by the triple-negative breast carcinoma cell line MDA-MB-231 were labelled either with the lipophilic dye MemGlow-488 (MG-488), Carboxyfluorescein diacetate, succinimidyl ester (CFDA-SE) or through ectopic expression of a MyrPalm-superFolderGFP reporter (mp-sfGFP), which incorporates into EVs during their biogenesis. Our results show that these labelling strategies, although analysed with the same techniques, led to diverging results. While MG-488-labelled EVs incorporate in all cell types, CFSE-labelled EVs are restricted to a minor subset of cells and mp-sfGFP-labelled EVs are mainly detected in CD14+ monocytes which are the main uptakers of EVs and other particles, regardless of the labelling method. Furthermore, our results show that the method used for EV labelling influences the detection of the different types of EV interactions with the recipient cells. Specifically, MG-488, CFSE and mp-sfGFP result in observation suggesting, respectively, transient EV-PM interaction that results in dye transfer, EV content delivery, and capture of intact EVs. Consequently, the type of EV labelling method has to be considered as they can provide complementary information on various types of EV-cell interaction and EV fate. (hide)
50% (87th percentile of all experiments on the same sample type)
 Not reported
 Not applicable
EV-enriched proteins
Protein analysis: analysis of three or more EV-enriched proteins
non EV-enriched protein
Protein analysis: assessment of a non-EV-enriched protein
qualitative and quantitative analysis
Particle analysis: implementation of both qualitative and quantitative methods. For the quantitative method, the reporting of measured EV concentration is expected.
electron microscopy images
Particle analysis: inclusion of a widefield and close-up electron microscopy image
density gradient
Separation method: density gradient, at least as validation of results attributed to EVs
EV density
Separation method: reporting of obtained EV density
ultracentrifugation specifics
Separation method: reporting of g-forces, duration and rotor type of ultracentrifugation steps
antibody specifics
Protein analysis: antibody clone/reference number and dilution
lysate preparation
Protein analysis: lysis buffer composition
Study data
Sample type
Cell culture supernatant
Sample origin
Control condition
Focus vesicles
extracellular vesicle
Separation protocol
Separation protocol
  • Gives a short, non-chronological overview of the
    different steps of the separation protocol.
    • dUC = (Differential) (ultra)centrifugation
    • DG = density gradient
    • UF = ultrafiltration
    • SEC = size-exclusion chromatography
    • IAF = immuno-affinity capture
Protein markers
EV: Alix/ CD9/ CD63
non-EV: Calreticulin/ 14-3-3
Show all info
Study aim
Technical analysis comparing/optimizing EV-related methods
Homo sapiens
Sample Type
Cell culture supernatant
EV-producing cells
EV-harvesting Medium
Serum free medium
Cell viability (%)
Cell count
Separation Method
Filtration steps
Name other separation method
Name other separation method
Characterization: Protein analysis
Protein Concentration Method
Not determined
Western Blot
Detected EV-associated proteins
Alix/ CD9/ CD63
Not detected contaminants
Calreticulin/ 14-3-3
Characterization: Lipid analysis
Characterization: Particle analysis
Report type
Reported size (nm)
EV concentration
Particle yield
number of particles per million cells: E09
Particle analysis: flow cytometry
Hardware adjustment
Other particle analysis name(2)
Nanoflow cytometry
Report type
Size range/distribution
Report size
EV230606 2/2 Homo sapiens MDA-MB-231 Filtration
Loconte L 2023 50%

Study summary

Full title
All authors
Loconte L, Arguedas D, El R, Zhou A, Chipont A, Guyonnet L, Guerin C, Piovesana E, Vázquez-Ibar JL, Joliot A, Théry C, Martín-Jaular L
J Extracell Vesicles
Cell-cell communication within the complex tumour microenvironment is critical to cancer progression (show more...)Cell-cell communication within the complex tumour microenvironment is critical to cancer progression. Tumor-derived extracellular vesicles (TD-EVs) are key players in this process. They can interact with immune cells and modulate their activity, either suppressing or activating the immune system. Deciphering the interactions between TD-EVs and immune cells is essential to understand immune modulation by cancer cells. Fluorescent labelling of TD-EVs is a method of choice to study such interaction. This work aims to determine the impact of EV labelling methods on the detection by imaging flow cytometry and multicolour spectral flow cytometry of EV interaction and capture by the different immune cell types within human Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells (PBMCs). EVs released by the triple-negative breast carcinoma cell line MDA-MB-231 were labelled either with the lipophilic dye MemGlow-488 (MG-488), Carboxyfluorescein diacetate, succinimidyl ester (CFDA-SE) or through ectopic expression of a MyrPalm-superFolderGFP reporter (mp-sfGFP), which incorporates into EVs during their biogenesis. Our results show that these labelling strategies, although analysed with the same techniques, led to diverging results. While MG-488-labelled EVs incorporate in all cell types, CFSE-labelled EVs are restricted to a minor subset of cells and mp-sfGFP-labelled EVs are mainly detected in CD14+ monocytes which are the main uptakers of EVs and other particles, regardless of the labelling method. Furthermore, our results show that the method used for EV labelling influences the detection of the different types of EV interactions with the recipient cells. Specifically, MG-488, CFSE and mp-sfGFP result in observation suggesting, respectively, transient EV-PM interaction that results in dye transfer, EV content delivery, and capture of intact EVs. Consequently, the type of EV labelling method has to be considered as they can provide complementary information on various types of EV-cell interaction and EV fate. (hide)
50% (87th percentile of all experiments on the same sample type)
 Not reported
 Not applicable
EV-enriched proteins
Protein analysis: analysis of three or more EV-enriched proteins
non EV-enriched protein
Protein analysis: assessment of a non-EV-enriched protein
qualitative and quantitative analysis
Particle analysis: implementation of both qualitative and quantitative methods. For the quantitative method, the reporting of measured EV concentration is expected.
electron microscopy images
Particle analysis: inclusion of a widefield and close-up electron microscopy image
density gradient
Separation method: density gradient, at least as validation of results attributed to EVs
EV density
Separation method: reporting of obtained EV density
ultracentrifugation specifics
Separation method: reporting of g-forces, duration and rotor type of ultracentrifugation steps
antibody specifics
Protein analysis: antibody clone/reference number and dilution
lysate preparation
Protein analysis: lysis buffer composition
Study data
Sample type
Cell culture supernatant
Sample origin
mp-sfGFP-MDA-MB-231 transduced cells
Focus vesicles
extracellular vesicle
Separation protocol
Separation protocol
  • Gives a short, non-chronological overview of the
    different steps of the separation protocol.
    • dUC = (Differential) (ultra)centrifugation
    • DG = density gradient
    • UF = ultrafiltration
    • SEC = size-exclusion chromatography
    • IAF = immuno-affinity capture
Protein markers
EV: Alix/ CD9/ CD63
non-EV: Calreticulin/ 14-3-3
Show all info
Study aim
Technical analysis comparing/optimizing EV-related methods
Homo sapiens
Sample Type
Cell culture supernatant
EV-producing cells
EV-harvesting Medium
Serum free medium
Cell viability (%)
Cell count
Separation Method
Filtration steps
Name other separation method
Name other separation method
Characterization: Protein analysis
Protein Concentration Method
Not determined
Western Blot
Detected EV-associated proteins
Alix/ CD9/ CD63
Not detected contaminants
Calreticulin/ 14-3-3
Characterization: Lipid analysis
Characterization: Particle analysis
Report type
Reported size (nm)
EV concentration
Particle yield
number of particles per million cells: E09
Particle analysis: flow cytometry
Hardware adjustment
Other particle analysis name(2)
Nanoflow cytometry
Report type
Size range/distribution
Report size
1 - 2 of 2
  • CM = Commercial method
  • dUC = differential ultracentrifugation
  • DG = density gradient
  • UF = ultrafiltration
  • SEC = size-exclusion chromatography
Homo sapiens
sample type
Cell culture
cell type
Control condition
transduced cells
separation protocol
Filtration/ qEV
Filtration/ qEV
Exp. nr.